Sustainable House Day is an event organised byRenew. It provides the opportunity to explore some of Australia’s most unique and inspiring homes, and learn from the people who designed them, built them, and live in them.
One of Geoff Gibson Homes most energy efficient homes will be open for inspection on Sustainable House Day on
Sunday, March 19th.
If you would like to part of this event, all the details will be available from Renew, the organisers of this event. Geoff
Gibson Homes are proud to be members of Renew and have been involved with Sustainable House Day in previous
years with several homes open for Inspection.
Renew is a national, not-for-profit organisation that inspires, enables, and advocates for people to live sustainably in their homes and communities. Established in 1980, Renew provides expert, independent advice on sustainable solutions for the home — to households, government, and industry.
This year, Sustainable House Day will have free online sessions featuring experts and Sustainable House Day homeowners. You’ll be able to explore homes on their website, and in-person at selected local events.
One of our clients has kindly agreed to showcase their unique home on SHD. This home has employed many different technologies to make it more sustainable and exceptionally energy efficient. With an Energy Rating of 8.9,
this home requires only a fraction of the energy normally required to heat and cool a home. It is naturally warmer in
winter and naturally cooler in summer by harnessing the energy of the sun and storing that energy in strategically
placed thermal mass. As well as being one the most energy efficient homes in the region, it has a very low environmental footprint by the choice of low Embodied Energy building materials.
The home’s design started with collaboration between our clients and building designer Ross Campbell from Eco
Blueprints. Textbook orientation and a plan layout designed with a narrow western façade and a maximised northern façade get the design off to a great start.
Throughout the home we have employed the use of polished Earth Friendly Concrete floors for the dual purpose of reducing the home’s embodied energy and decreasing the operational energy. Portland cement is the largest contributor to a typical home’s potential carbon emissions — but Earth Friendly Concrete doesn’t use cement at all in its binding process (reducing this home’s environmental impact dramatically). Central to the plan is a Stabilised Rammed Earth wall, creating a unique internal thermal battery.
Rammed Earth Walls are a very traditional technology that through the materials’ high thermal mass, help in the
reduction of temperature fluctuations. In an area like the Darling Downs where we have a great diurnal temperature range, a well-located Rammed Earth Wall can supply a battery of useful thermal storage to make your home more comfortable.
The efficiencies of this home are further enhanced with northern pergolas for the summer shading and western roofed pergolas, to help exclude western sun.
The entire envelope of this home is fully insulated — like all our homes — but this home has the added benefit of
thermally broken windows including Low E smart glass.
At Geoff Gibson Homes we are always looking for new products or reinventing traditional materials to improve the
energy outcome of our homes and reducing the potential environmental impact the construction of our homes can
If you would like to know more about this home or how you could incorporate some of the features of this home into your new home design, come out to this open house to catch up with me onsite.
— Geoff Gibson